19 Oct Development of the quality control system in adult education Conference
The Centre Božić was a proud participant at the conference „Development of the quality control system in adult education“ supported by the ESF and hosted by the Agency for Vocational Training and Adult Education in the Hotel Olympia Sky in Vodice from 20.9. to 23.9. The conference combined lectures and workshops for the participants and it was opened by the director of the Agency Mile Živčić and the deputy Minister of Education and Science Momir Karin.
Many other lectures were held by the represenatives of the Adult Education Institutions Association in Croatia, of which we would especially like to point out Antonija Bašić, the senior associate in education with the Croatian Chamber of Commerce SDŽ, the director of the education department with Croatian Employers’ Association, Davorka Schmidt the head of adult education department with the Ministry of Science and Education, Dragica Kovačalija the head of adult education development department at the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Anita Zovko the professor with the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka.
A special honor for our andragogical head od the centre was to receive the acknowledgment for the special contribution to the education of adults.
As the conference came to an end we enjoyed in celebration accompanied by some music until the early hours. We are looking forward to our next gathering!
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